Troop Carrier Camper is your home away from home. A recreational vehicle conversion in Australia is the way to go.
For our campers we only use and service Troop Carriers.
If you have decided to explore the frontiers of Australia in your own Toyota 4WD recreational vehicle, then you should consider getting a Hard Top for your camper conversion. Of course, this can be an expensive conversion, but this type of roof does have its advantages.
Hard Top Troop Carrier Camper
A Troop Carrier camper with a hard top is just what it appears to be. This is when you can pop the roof upwards from your camper while still being attached much like the hood of your vehicle. It allows for extra room inside, so you can stand and do cooking, chores, and other things without having to crouch.
What follows are some tips that will help you make the right decision on whether to choose the Hard Top option.
Recreational Vehicle Conversion Camping
Remember, you are looking for conversions that enhance the camping experience you enjoy. You are not looking to change your experience because of the conversion. Whether you spend time in cooler or hot weather, if you enjoy using the camper cooker inside or outside, and whether you need to stand up in your camper on trips. If you need the additional height and convenience, then a Hard Top Troop Carrier camper may be perfect for you.
Budget for Hard Top Conversion
Write down a list of things that you want to include in your conversion. If the Pop Top is close or at the top of the list, then you should give it serious consideration. If it is within your budget to include a Hard Top you won’t be sorry.
Fitness and Height
Your state of fitness and height are important considerations. A Hard Top works well for those who are tall, have back issues, or have problems with maintaining a crouched position for any length of time. Those who are taller than average should consider getting a Hard Top Troop Carrier.
Re-Sale Value for a Toyota 4WD Camper in Australia
Because of their advantages, a Hard Top increases the re-sale value of your 4WD Toyota camper in Australia. If you are considering selling your conversion at some point, you may consider the Hard Top as an added benefit. Many people who shop for used vehicles will search for those with a hard top because of its conveniences.
The larger your Toyota 4WD vehicle, the more suited it is for a Hard Top camper conversion. If you are considering buying or creating a new conversion in the next decade or so, then a Hard Top may be a good investment. Even if it does not increase the overall value, it may help to sell your vehicle faster because of this option.
Pop Top Camper Van Australia
If you are looking to enhance your recreational vehicle, then getting a Hard Top camper conversion may be the ticket. This conversion is perfect for your 4WD Toyota vehicle, especially on those cool, clear nights in the farthest reaches of Australia.
Bonetti Campers can help you with these decisions. Stefano has a wealth of knowledge with conversions of all types of RV’s. Contact him to plan your adventure or call on 0401 914 496.